2 Minute Timer Learn 1-120 Roman Numerals | I-CXX Count Roman Numbers One to One Hundred Twenty

May 12, 2022 3509 Views

Practice Roman Numerals / Numbers from 1 to 120 in a two minute timer for home, class or office or online meet.

1-100 and continuing to 120 in roman numerals drawn in the sand with accompanying upbeat music.
Learn the numbers in groups just watching 1-10 (I-X) or 1-50 (I-L) , 1-100 (I-C) in a school and homeschool helper video.

Hoping to encourage everyone to enjoy the outdoor classroom and extend learning through nature play anywhere.
Numerals are written in the sand moving from one to one hundred and twenty.
1 = I
2 = II
3 = III
4 =IV
5 =V
6 = VI
7 = VII
8 = VIII
9 = IX
10 = X
50 = L
90 = XC
100 = C
110 = CX
120 = CXX

Subscribe to Super Ideas Lab for more unique timers, countdowns, brain breaks, brain training, pop quizzes and homeschool helpers.

Roman Numerals written in sand as ephemeral art on the beach shown as a stop motion timer, a roman number shown a second.

Excellent as a task timer, maths class lesson, zoom or online chat break timer, or calm mindful minute out of a busy day. Or use as a toothbrush timer to learn while you clean your teeth.

Useful for help learning the maths curriculum. Excellent foundation maths help lesson in one minute.

Subscribe to Super Ideas Lab for more unique and engaging timers, countdowns, toothbrush timers, mindful minutes and home learning helpers.

Learning through play and playing helping to learn.

#superideaslab #romannumerals #timer #countdown #romannumber

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